Most common questions answered regarding Covid-19 vaccine

Covid !9 Vaccine

Q)  Why Experts are questioning data of AstraZeneca medicine?

Ans)  There were a really weird set of results from the company which happens to be the third company to release data.  The data that they use is a completely different type of data of vaccines. Pfizer Moderna one kind of casually said that they have overall 70% efficiency which is nearly not as effective as 95% as other vaccines. People who got full dose have only 62% response and people who got half the dose have only 95% response. There aren’t any details about it.

Q) The New York Times says that people are flying more than they have for a long time for thanksgiving. This surge is not from gatherings of people but nursing homes and needs real assessment?

Ans) This surge comes from nursing homes and comes from meat processes plants but most of the social gatherings, most of the people that can be traced, they can’t figure out where it comes from and social gatherings are either the ignition of the epidemic so they are skeptical of the epidemic. There is unknown and need a further intensive epidemiological study to clear out what is going on because it’s important, it affects lives dramatically. Always keep in mind the basic things you know. People that are new to your little personal mobile should be wearing a mask and staying away 6 feet that would be helpful.

Q) CDC should be worrying that the side effects of this vaccine when it does happen won’t be a walk in the park. What does it mean?

Ans) If anyone has the flu shot or tetanus shot or pneumonia shot then they have had some aches and pain. Doctors probably said they would have some Aspirin advisor something of that happens when people who have taken these RNA vaccines have had really kind of rough side effects go away.      

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Q) Would you recommend getting an antibody before receiving the vaccine to rule out any past asymptomatic infection?

Ans) In studies, they got antibody tests, but in practice, it is worth going to the trouble to get the antibody test. They showed that in shipping fishing vessels in Seattle, half the people had a positive antibody test without knowing that they got infected so antibody tasks are perfect. So, we need to get more guidance on that.

Q) If a person is tested positive and only had a running nose for a  few days but no other symptoms. Is his whole family required to get an antibody test or assume they have it?

Ans) It is necessary to get tested. Remember, most people affected don’t have any symptoms or side effects just like the parents and they need to quarantine. They are probably called high-risk contacts or primary contacts, they need to get tested. Their friends and relatives are secondary contacts so they are not required to get an antibody test but they need to be aware that such things are going on to get tested and if they get asymptomatic or their parents get asymptomatic then this goes on. The one who gets tested the most is primary contacts like the parents.

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Q) Once you are vaccinated, will you need to get a yearly vaccination like the yearly vaccine?

Ans) Nobody knows how long the vaccine works. We will get to know by studying tens of thousands of people. 90000 people in their study, they are within 40000 and 30000 patients so they are gonna follow and find out when their immunity goes down or if they start getting covid again.

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