Some people are lucky enough to have a good metabolism and can maintain a slim figure despite eating too much. However, there are millions of people who are struggling with their body weight. Adding some extra rich nutritious food to your daily diet can pave your successful way to a healthy and lean body shape.
Following are some of the best food items for reducing weight that health experts around the world cannot stop gushing about.
1. Peas
Peas aren’t called vitamin powerhouse for no reason. These tiny looking vegetables are packed with a bunch of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, vitamin B-1 and VitaminB-6
They are also known to be one of those food items that have a significant impact on our appetite. Peas contain a lot of protein and have nutrients that help reduce fats. The presence of Vitamin C, iron, potassium helps in regulating Sodium in our body.
Mixing peas with vegetables can prove to be a huge advantage for weight loss when incorporated into a healthy lifestyle.
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2. Salmons
These oily fish boast of proteins, omega-3, and no carbohydrate at all making them an ideal food for weight control. You can expect salmons to be your health and weight-friendly diet as it is an excellent source of potassium, copper, and phosphorus.
Salmons include a huge quantity of Vitamin D which is very helpful in controlling weight. Not only this, but it also contains Vitamin B6 helping in regulating stress levels. The farmed salmons are considered to be the best in terms of food quality and the fat in them is beneficial for your health.
3. Potatoes
If you think potatoes are just ordinary vegetables, then you are wrong! Potatoes have a negligible amount of calories and as you know that fewer calories mean less weight. There is a special kind of fiber known as “Resistant Starch” which keeps your stomach full. Our body takes time to digest potatoes therefore it can suppress hunger for a longer period. You can eat baked potatoes, boiled, raw, and steamed potatoes. Eating potatoes in this way can give you rapid results in weight loss. However, you must avoid eating sweet potatoes, french fries, potato chips as these contain a lot of fats and you may gain weight. It is important to note that a potato diet can be recommended for the short term only, continuing it for a long time can result in unhealthy eating behaviour.
4. Oats
Oats are a blessing to humans as it is considered as one of the healthiest grains on earth. Loaded with fiber, vitamins, antioxidants, and nutrients, oats are an ideal source of diet to help you get a lean body shape. The quantity of fiber in oats helps with digestion issues, thus, beneficial in counterbalancing the quantity of sodium. It is filled with plenty of nutrients and encourages the production of bacterias that is useful for your health and helps in losing weight. Having half a cup of oats every morning is probably one of the easiest and quickest ways to get your ideal body type.
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5. Eggs
Eggs bring a change in the way the body metabolizes sugar and fat contents promoting weight management effectively. These high protein eggs are effective in creating rapid insulin response and crushing down the hunger hormones. This leads to greater satiety and less desire to eat more. When compared to other breakfast meals, eggs stand out to be the most favourable choice for weight loss. You intake many proteins and nutrients from eggs alone and the effect of eating them with milk as a breakfast lasts till evening and munching less calorie and sugary items. You automatically resist eating snacks or junk food throughout the day and unintentionally burn calories by eating less.
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6. Nuts
If you want to lose a couple of pounds, then it is worth considering nuts as a central source for weight loss. When compared to the other low-calorie food items, nuts have greater amounts of fats and calories which refrain from people trying out the nuts. Well, nuts may have high calories and fat but it doesn’t mean that it will lead to weight gain. In Fact, including nuts with a healthy diet can give boost your weight loss program significantly. Nuts consist of soluble fiber that helps in regulating body weight. Almonds, walnuts, and cashews are some of the nuts that can help you get a flat stomach. Consuming 5-6 nuts every day can help you prevent obesity and weight gain.
7. Avocados
Packed with lots of nutrients and fiber, it becomes easier for avocados to be on this list.
People who consume avocado daily experience huge weight loss and have a low body mass index. Many reports claim that people who eat avocado also tend to eat more fruits and vegetables than other people. They enjoy a more healthy life and there are fewer chances of metabolic syndrome than those who do not consume avocados.
Replacing a high-calorie snack with avocado is a great way to slash down your fat and flatten your belly.
8. Blueberries
Did you know that these juicy, tasty, and sweet blueberries help in shedding weight?
Blueberries are loaded with fiber and antioxidants which are beneficial for weight loss and have anti-inflammatory properties.
These are beneficial in regulating fats and lowers the bad cholesterol level. Eating 5 blueberries every day followed by a healthy diet can help in reducing blood sugar levels resulting in weight loss.
9. Olive oil
Ever wonder about the potential of olive oil in supporting weight loss and not just as zesting up your meal?
Olive oil lowers bad cholesterol levels and increases good amounts of good cholesterol levels. This extra virgin olive oil boasts of unsaturated fats that many of the oils don’t have. It also contains antioxidant properties which are useful in fighting inflammation and provides relief to the body pain.
Medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) present in olive oil are easily absorbed by the liver and produce appetite hormones that help in suppressing hunger and promote a healthy weight.
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10. Spinach
These leafy plants have one of the highest nutritional value and thus are given the title of a nutrition powerhouse. It is packed with Vitamin C, Magnesium, Iron, Vitamin B, VitaminA making it likeable to be on this list. Spinach assists in managing weight as it is rich in potassium. It is beneficial to drink one glass of spinach juice everyday as It has such amazing nutrients that have bloat-reducing effects. You will need some ingredients like spinach, coriander leaves, ginger, and cucumber. Grind them well and drink them, you can add lemon juice for pleasant flavour. It is one of the best remedies where you can bank on weight loss.
These food items such as Peas, salmons, Potatoes, Oats, Eggs, Nuts, Avocados, Blueberries, Olive oil, and Spinach all are directly connected with good health and weight loss. These nutrients dense food will surely help in weight loss but one should also limit the consumption of meat, sugary items, sweets, potato chips, and junk food as these can cause a poor impact on health. However there is no single food that can provide you with all the nutrients, calcium, and vitamins hence, it is necessary to maintain a healthy balanced diet and it is necessary to add other things to your appetite. These foods when combined with physical activities can help you get quick and effective results.