5 Essential nuts for your health recommended by doctors

5 Essential Nuts

If you want to be healthy then eating nuts every day is one of the best health decisions you can ever make. It carries antioxidants that protect your body against inflammation, reduces oxidative stress, and downturn the cell damages engendered by unstable molecules. It is known for containing the highest quantities of antioxidants of all plant foods. High fiber quantity, micro, and nutrients, vitamins, and minerals are just a few of the numerous qualities it has to boast about.

It contains healthy fats such as polyunsaturated fatswhich can decrease cholesterol levels and keep the heart-healthy.

Let us know some of the best 5 nuts significant for our body.

Best five essential nuts that you probably don’t want to miss out!

1. Almonds

Almonds are known as a brain booster because it contains Vitamin E which helps in retaining memory for a longer time. It has a very high concentration of antioxidants that protect your body from inflammation and other age-related illnesses. It helps control blood sugar levels and protects a healthy heart. It also helps us to get relief in constipation.

2. Hazelnuts

Also called as Nutella, these hazelnuts are famous for their gratifying taste and huge nutritional values. They are crammed with Vitamin E, proteins, and dietary fiber. The presence of phenolic compounds prevents aging and inflammation diseases. It also tends to reduce blood pressure. 

3. Cashews

Cashews have a high amount of fiber and protein that is also a good meat substitute. The concentration of sugar is less so it can be consumed by patients of hypertension. Cashews have the potential of making our bones stronger because of the presence of magnesium in them. It has fewer calories and you can shed some

kilos by adding cashews in your diet. It is known for suppressing hunger-stimulating feelings of fullness. It regulates your blood sugar and keeps your cardiac muscles healthy. It has an exceptional amount of various minerals which helps in building immunity stronger. Always eat unsalted raw cashews for more benefits. 

4. Walnuts

Walnuts are the best out of all nuts due to the highest concentration of polyunsaturated fats and antioxidant properties. It is loaded with soluble fiber, proteins, vitamins, and minerals in abundance. It boasts the highest concentration of important fatty acids like omega3 and omega4 which helps in the overall development of our brain. Walnuts provide one of the best skin results and are considered as a powerful tool to slow down the process of aging. For effective weight loss, eat 5 walnuts and drink 500 ml of water after 45 minutes. 

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5. Peanuts

Peanuts are one of the popular nuts for their taste and good nutrients properties. It increases metabolism in our body and improves stamina to continue various activities without fatigue. 

It contains copper, magnesium, and many antioxidant properties that are capable of protecting the heart from various diseases. You can reduce the risk of gallstone by consuming peanut butter. It is also known as an effective tool for weight loss as it contains dietary fiber.

Raw or Roasted nuts: What should you prefer?

If you roast the nuts then it will lose its moisture and color gets changed. Hence, roasted nuts weigh lighter than raw nuts. Roasted and raw nuts carry close amounts of fat, calories, nutrients, and protein. However, the latter contains a high amount of these nutrients. If you roast nuts at a high temperature then its essential fatty acids will get damaged and nutrients tend to diminish. It is always suggested to eat them in raw form but many people cook them because their taste and texture get improved. So if you want to consume it in a roasted form then always cook it at a low temperature.

How much quantity of nuts should be consumed?

It is advisable to eat 25 nuts daily at different time intervals. Be cautious that you do not eat more than the recommended quantity or else it will adversely affect your body including weight gain.

What is the ideal time to consume nuts?

You should start your morning by eating 5-6 raw almonds.

It is better to eat cashew nuts in the evening between 4-5 pm. It will energize your body and increase the stamina to continue your work. 

In the night, eating walnuts is best to help you with digestion. You will not feel bulging the next day as it has a rich quantity of soluble fiber.

Which nuts should be avoided to eat at night time?

Don’t consume almonds or cashew nuts at night because you will be left with the problem of indigestion. You might also not get proper sleep due to the feeling of ponderousness in the stomach. Also, it is not good to eat it as roasted in oil so avoid cooking like this.


To conclude, I have outlined five essential nuts that contain rich nutrient properties and are vital for the functioning of our body. It is recommended to eat them according to the time interval and that too in limited quantities because the excess of anything is harmful to the body. Around 20 nuts should be eaten daily for effective results. It is advisable to eat them raw because it tends to lose its essential properties while cooking. It has a lot of health benefits because it contains so much fiber, nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. It helps control cholesterol levels, produces good fatty acids, and also keeps blood pressure under control providing nourishment to our body.

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